Hello everybody, my name is Johann, I am a Machine Learning Engineer from Germany working for a startup called lector.ai.

I am a kind of self-taught developer who considers himself still pretty much at the beginning (noob). However, I still have a lot to learn but really enjoy the process of researching new things and am currently trying to dive deeper into the world of Vision Language Models (VLMs). To be honest, I am much more impressed about the stuff Tesla, comma.ai and wayve.ai are doing in the world of autonomous robotics/world modeling than by LLMs/VLMs but I think it's pretty useful to still learn how those things work ;). Unfortunately I live in Germany and the number of interesting AI startups or in general AI work is quite sparse.

I use my blog as a kind of learning diary in which I occasionally write short (or not so short) blog posts on topics related to machine learning, algorithms or other cool stuff in which I am interested or currently working on. I also want to share some of my reading and maybe I add some notes and my opinion on those books.

In my spare time I enjoy reading a book or doing sports, especially calisthenics or running. If you want to know more about me, get in touch with me, have questions or find any errors here, feel free to have a look at my contact information down below or simply send me an E-Mail.
